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Yoga for health from within.
Feng Shui for health from without.

There’s an unmistakable feeling when you inhabit a space that feels “just right;”  a liberating freedom of movement, of grace...  Ease.   

It could be home, the workplace, a public venue, or your own body.

  The Lively Rustic offers the traditions of Feng Shui and Yoga to create spaces that replenish the body-mind. 


Today, the pace of living is accelerated.  Rapid technological advances and decreasing access to nature take a physical and mental toll. 

A sensitivity to these forces and a desire be a wellness resource for the community led to the creation of The Lively Rustic.  Meet the founder, Heather Ann Beggs.

Certified Feng Shui Professional, Yoga Instructor, Founder of Flint Hills Wellness.

"I have been acquainted with Heather Beggs more than 5 years.  During this time I have taken countless yoga classes, both privately and in group settings, in her studio in Alma, Kansas.  Heather has always been a truly professional instructor.  


Recently, I approached Heather about providing Feng Shui design that would provide a more balanced and healthy experience of living in my home.  She has a deep understanding of the concepts and a particular gift for sharing Feng Shui in practical terms.


Heather Beggs is a unique individual; passionate in her profession, caring and helpful to others and would be an excellent addition to any project for her exceptional holistic vision."


- Rosa H. Alma, Kansas

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